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STAYTEC™ is LivFul’s patented controlled release technology of the active ingredient IR3535® used in the manufacturing process of enhanced insect repellents

How STAYTEC™ Enhances
Insect Repellents

Slow Release

STAYTEC™ encapsulates the active ingredient, IR3535®, controlling its skin absorption and evaporation for an improved protection up to 14 hours

Reduced Skin Penetration

STAYTEC™ is designed to maximise the amount of repelling agent available after application, limiting its potential absorption in the skin, increasing safety

Soft Touch

STAYTEC™ captures the repelling agent, IR3535®, enabling the production of a soft touch emulsion which is easy to apply and leaves no trace after a couple of minutes

What customers say

The repellent no one believed was possible. 14 hours of protection, safe for your health and the environment, smells pleasant and feels like lotion - An innovation designed to perfectly fit your everyday life

John Johnson Owner, The X Company

The repellent no one believed was possible. 14 hours of protection, safe for your health and the environment, smells pleasant and feels like lotion - An innovation designed to perfectly fit your everyday life

John Johnson Owner, The X Company

Meet the Inventor

Tycho Speaker, a second-generation Slovak immigrant, is the innovator behind STAYTEC™. Like many children in immigrant families, he grew up speaking different languages – except his were chemistry, pharmacy, and toxicology, rather than Slovak.

While developing his encapsulation technology, he met LivFul founder Hogan Bassey. The combination of their two visions and programs helped bring STAYTEC™ technology to life.

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Partners around the world

STAYTECTM is the exclusive technology for next-generation insect repellents used by various brand partners around the world. Together they help protect their communities from pesky insect bites and insect-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever

IR3535® is a trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
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Livful / Akiva
Available in Ghana, Nigeria
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Brand x -Fend
Available in Australia, (soon)
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Brand Y -Maz International
Available in Nigeria, (soon)
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Ekta -Landcent
Available in Europe, (soon)